Sunday, May 23, 2010

Meeting Notes - 5/17/10

May 17, 2010
5:00 P.M.
The meeting was called to order 5:07 pm
All directors and Jane were present.
The Minutes from the April meeting were approved as written.
The Treasurer’s May Report was given by Bill. He was thanked for the care and accuracy with which he is keeping the diversified records.

Grant Writing update – Jane will be talking with John to work on a grant for solid playground matting.

Donation from Rancho Hills; There was a discussion of what should be included in an MOU for the project. Since this will be the first of many projects we need to establish a generic MOU that will be adjusted for each project.
The following bulleted points were suggested:
- $5000 for swings
- No more than half baby swings
- Paid by Foundation upon presentation of vendor bill or proof of payment by LSPOA
Kay will research and e-mail an MOU to members for their approval.

Vendors Day May 8th
Due to the illness of Ken Gann the review of the Mother’s Day event and discussion of upcoming dates was tabled.

June 11th Concert in the Park Event – Jane will contact Julie to find out who we should contact to find out if there is a food item we can provide. She will notify us when she has information.

Day at Hoy Park
When presented with the $125.00 charge for use of the Park a motion was made and seconded that we cancel the event. However, after discussion that motion was defeated, five to one and a second motion was made that we pay the $125.00. The rationale was that, if we have the vendors and Farmer’s Market we might be able to break even on the event. The concern is that we, as a Foundation created to raise funds for Lake Shastina, should not be spending the money. It was decided that we could use $125.00 of the $500.00 start-up fund which we received from LSPOA for that purpose. This motion was approved unanimously.
Brochure printing costs. Will Bullington checked the printing costs from Southern Oregon Printing. The cost will be $453.00 for printing and folding 2,500 brochures. A motion unanimously passed to have this brochure created, printed and ready to go into the CSD mailing to residents.

Floyd reported from the LSPOA Board: The Board approved the Agreement between the LSPOA and LSCFI and they also approved the proposal for LSCFI to prepare the luncheon for the Annual meeting. Will is checking on costs.

The vacancy on the Board has not been filled. We need to think of possible candidates.

Since we will be serving the LSPOA Luncheon we will not have the Ravioli Dinner we were considering. Will has a crew to assist him in preparing the meal. They will prepare the meal that the LSPOA board chose.

The LSPOA and LSCFI are planning a meeting to prioritize items for the park and other projects. This will help us to look for suitable grants and donations.
It is necessary for us to establish a means of communication and place to post the Agendas and Minutes for public viewing. Currently they are posted under the LSPOA.
To establish a web-site the cost of the URL would be $13.00 and the annual cost would be in the neighborhood of $55.00. Instead of this expenditure it was suggested that we see if we could use a Blog. Kay will check to see if that would work as well.
The High Desert Gardeners are working with the LSPOA to landscape the section of the Park near the playground equipment. The LSPOA authorized money for the infrastructure. A motion was made and approved unanimously that we donate $100.00 of the Dinner Dance receipts to assist in their endeavor.

The Directors unanimously ratified the LSPOA/LSCFI Service Agreement as written.
A motion was made to authorize the treasurer to pay up to $5000 for swings at Hoy Park project for LSPOA.

The Next meeting will be held on June 21st.

There were no items for closed session so the meeting was adjourned at 6:35.

Eva Mitchell, Secretary

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